Feb 5

The Higher Frequency Live

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In order to thrive as a species, it is important to understand the basics of the universe. The importance of subjects, ranging from mathematics and physics, to biology and chemistry, can not be understated, as they provide the foundation of all knowledge linked throughout the multiverses. It is indeed the one constant that binds them all together in intricate fashion. Losing sight of these basics can lead to losing your own senses of humanity, plunging you back into very dark times.

It seems the inhabitants of earth could use a refresher of some of these basics. We think its best to start with Elements. We welcome to our spaceship, the mysterious psy-trance artist from the dimension N-Osidami-VV, the one and only Elements!! Let their hypnotic trance envelope your mind, and elevate you to a higher place only few humans have achieved. Could this be your one chance to experience a true nirvana-like state? Maybe, but only if your mind is ready to accept it.

The only way to really find out is to experience it yourself at thespaceship.tv Tickets to Elements experience are only $5, not a bad price for cosmic enlightenment!! You will not want to miss out on this show.

Please remember to tip your art tenders at paypal.me/TheSpaceshiptv We cherish your support and love for our great community of musician and artists.

For more info on Elements, please visit the following links:






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THFL Presents Elements, Live At The Spaceship

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