Please sign up to catch our latest live shows!
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As the world walks the line between sanity and insanity, one thing will always bring together the two in familiar fashion. The power the great live music should never be discounted as it holds the keys to unlocking the universal languages of a great many species across many galaxies.
There exists a remarkable group of humans that displays this musical language very intelligently and succinctly. They have reformed from their slumber and are gracing us with their musical wordsmanship at a time when the world desperately needs their musical wisdom.
The Higher Frequency Live presents the return of Cold Black River!!! This Hard Rocking trio of humans gives even the great ancient gods and goddesses a run for their rubies; as they wield their mighty instruments, slaying tunes most mortals wish they could muster. This will certainly give your reserves of musical energy the extra boost to take on the upcoming fall season.
So please tune in to and catch this epic show. This will be a ticketed event. $5 per stream, so gather some close friends or family and share a stream amongst other humans!! Please remember to tip your art tenders, Your support helps to keep us going and provide the best that Madison and the surrounding area can offer!
For more info on Cold Black River please visit the following links:
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